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your business social media plan

Business Social Made Simple: Our First-Ever Free Course to Set Your Business Social Media Strategy Up For Success

You're on a mission to improve or take over your social media. You want to know the strategy and plan you choose for your business will work. And that it's simple enough that you can do it.

Most business social media plans, templates and calendars you find are complicated or too much. That's not what it takes or going to set you up for success.

a simple social media plan that works

A Simple Social Media Plan

Start Small

Social media does not have to be so hard or take a lot of your time. If you don't know what you're doing, supposed to be doing, or in any way feel misguided or uncertain, this plan is sure to change everything.

Why would you keep adding to the volume of noise, distractions or feel under a false pressure to keep up? Why spread yourself too thin to make an impact anywhere? We don't want to see you fail or feel that way. And all too often, that's what happens.

Show you care about your business community, their time and your time with this modern and effective approach to social media.

Meet Our Business Social Media Course Instructor

Hi! I'm Gina Young and I have 17 years of B2B social media marketing experience and 12 years in marketing leadership roles.

I'm excited you're here to take the next step and improve your business social media outcomes. My strategy is backed with insights and what gets real-results on the job.

Gina Young web and marketing technologist, Co-Founder

Business Social Made Simple Overview

You're already on social media. But are you effective or reaching your goals? Here's what you'll get when you access our free course, Business Social Made Simple. Learn in simple small steps what you can take action on that will make a big difference in how you approach, manage and get results on social media.

Your Audience and Goals

Vainty metrics are driving the wrong behavior and outcomes in your social media plan. Social media is about building your community of customers, team members and industry peers so you can connect with others like them. Steal our audience-building tips to make sure your social media posts get in front of who you want and say what they want to hear from you. 

Start With a Singular Topic

There are a few places to start. What is the one most unique thing new customers are interested in? What is the best performing piece of content on your website? Or, what is extremely relevant or seasonal for your company right now? The simple plan helps you pick and stick with one so people will remember you. 

Master Your Deliverables

With your topic or theme ready to go, we'll teach you how to make compelling posts for your social media that drive more engagement. Including video and carousel posts. Not the merry-go-round though, a revolving post of images that users swipe through. Put these in place and watch your performance begin to improve. 

Your Engagement Strategy

Engage with your social community to get engagement. It's really simple. It doesn't show up if you don't. Powerful weekly and monthly check-ins take no more than one hour and we'll tell you exactly what to do so you get the most out of this time. Like who to follow, how to follow them, and what to engage with and repost. You'll walk away with excellent results.

The Almost Perfect Social Media Strategy and Plan

Master the Process

The truth is, there's no better place than social media where people you work with and others like them check in daily.

Social media is hands down the best place to establish your brand identity and authority. Our simple creative process and messaging guidelines make more sense. And the best part? This works. Here's what you'll get right away when you sign up today.

  • Building Your Audience
  • Selecting Your Social Topic
  • Writing Social Media Hooks
  • Post Formats and Examples
  • Engagement Strategy
  • Easy Social Media Strategy Assessment

Complete Business Social Made Simple and Share Your Experience

There's nobody out there that knows your business and content as well as you. That's the point.

People don't see your brand enough or remember what you're about the way other plans and social media strategies work. And when you confuse, you lose. Especially on social media.

Let's change this. Our Cincinnati Magazine award-winning social media strategy is now here for you to apply at your business. 

the most simple social media strategy and plan

These Six Simple Steps Will Help You and Your Social Media Work

We are helping leaders overcome uncertainty about social media for business and grow a community of collaborators, customers and advocates. We've broken our simple social media plan for business into five smaller steps and an assessment to get to work. Get reminders, how-tos and take your time to put a better social media strategy into action now.

Get Started for Free Today