One Page Marketing Plan for 2024: EOS or OGSM

One Page Marketing Plan for 2024 - EOS or OGSM - BOM

You need a solid one-page marketing plan to reach your big 2024 goals. Whether your organization follows the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) outlined in “Traction,” or the objective, goals, strategies and measures (OGSM) approach, you want to make it easy to turn inbound digital marketing into leads this year.

Join us at our webinar on January 19 at 11am! Register here.

One-Page Marketing Plan: Why Bother? 

Here are just a few of the reasons to spend time on this endeavor. By crafting a plan, you will: 

  • Gain focus. The plan forces you to think and gives you a focused roadmap to check back against regularly.
  • Use resources wisely. A plan enables you to spend time and money thoughtfully.
  • Gain clarity and alignment. A clear plan allows you to align your team and actions on shared goals.
  • Be proactive. Plan out your year in order to move forward with intention.
  • Have measurable goals. With a plan, you can see a clear path toward achieving financial goals for your firm.

Fortunately, we have a one-page marketing plan template to make it easy for you. And, to give you added motivation to complete this plan, we are hosting a free webinar that fully explains this template on January 19, 2024.    

TIP: To use our One Page OGSM-EOS Marketing Plan Template, click the link. Make a copy of the Google Sheet into your folders. Use the copy to make your own. Keep in mind, your plan should be about a page at most to be doable in year.

Getting From Here to There

Of course, just defining a vision, goals and objectives doesn’t move the needle. Whether you’re following EOS or OGSM tactics, you’ll need to spell out exactly how these goals and objectives will be achieved. That’s where the next section of the template comes in, allowing you to define: 

  • Strategies.
  • Measures and KPIs. 
  • Key tactics (and people with accountability for them). 
  • Budget.
  • Timeframe. 

Step by Step 

Here are the steps you’ll follow as you further develop your one-page marketing plan: 

  1. Identify your target market.
  2. Review your prior year and analytics.
  3. Set an overall objective.
  4. Set a limited number of goals.
  5. Brainstorm strategies and tactics to achieve the goals.
  6. Identify an owner of each strategy.
  7. Identify key performance indicators that will track progress.
  8. Commit to a meeting pulse.
  9. Dedicate a clear budget to support your goals.
  10. Communicate and review.

Remember, we will cover each of these steps in-depth in our free webinar. So register today to attend live or receive the recording.  

You’ll learn about setting clear, impactful objectives like: 

  • Increase brand awareness among the target audience by 20 percent within the next quarter through strategic social media campaigns.
  • Boost customer engagement by 25 percent by launching an interactive content marketing campaign on the company website in Q2.
  • Generate 30 percent more leads through gated content, such as ebooks and webinars, launching one per quarter starting in Q1.
  • Improve the conversion rate on key landing pages by 15 percent through A/B testing and optimization efforts over the next three months.
  • Grow the social media following by 15 percent through organic and paid strategies, fostering engagement and interaction over the next five months.

Your Future Self Will Thank You 

A year from now, will you be able to chart your progress against marketing goals? By creating a one-page marketing plan that you can commit to follow, you’re setting your organization up for a successful 2024. We’ve helped dozens of companies meet or exceed their lead goals month after month, year after year. Contact us if you’d like to refine your marketing strategy and get more leads. See you on the webinar!

Janice Weiser

Janice Weiser

Janice Weiser, BigOrange Marketing's chief content officer, loves to tell the stories that set clients apart from the competitors. She's also written books on log cabins and met two living U.S. presidents.

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