What Are Examples of StoryBrand BrandScript?

Elevate Your Marketing With StoryBrand BrandScript Examples

If you’re up to date with the digital marketing world, chances are you’ve heard about the StoryBrand BrandScript. As a StoryBrand certified guide, we offer these two examples of BrandScripts to inspire you.  

A therapy provider BrandScript could be based on these story elements:

  • Character: Individuals seeking tips for emotional management and counsel
  • Problem: Life can be overwhelming and challenging
  • Guide: Top-rated therapists offering empathetic counseling services
  • Plan: Schedule a call to discuss therapy options and gain clarity
  • Action: Schedule a non-sales call through a website link.
  • Success: Gain guidance and practice coping skills
  • Avoid Failure: Prevent continued frustration, anxieties and general mental health struggles.

The BrandScript could read: 

All types of people are looking for ways to cope with emotional challenges. By partnering with our top-rated therapists, you will embark on a journey toward mastering emotional resilience and experiencing a more joyful, balanced life. Our compassionate approach and tailored guidance are designed to help you overcome life’s challenges and achieve lasting well-being. Don’t wait to start feeling better. 

  • Contact our providers
  • Schedule an appointment
  • Begin your journey to wellness

Transition from feeling overwhelmed and anxious to feeling empowered and in control of your emotions.

A fitness studio BrandScript could be based on these StoryBrand elements: 

  • Character: Individuals seeking to improve their fitness and health
  • Problem: Busy schedules and lack of motivation make it challenging to prioritize exercise
  • Guide: Our experienced trainers provide personalized workout routines and plans
  • Plan: Sign up for a trial class, set realistic goals, and commit to a routine
  • Call to Action: Join our motivated community and start your fitness journey today!
  • Success: Achieve your fitness goals, feel more energized and confident
  • Avoid Failure: Don’t let excuses hold you back from top-notch health.

The BrandScript could read: 

Joining our fitness studio means more than just attending workout sessions; it’s about becoming part of a community that champions your health and fitness goals. With our expert guidance, flexible plans and supportive environment, you’re set to embark on a transformative journey that transcends the gym and enriches your life. Start today and experience the profound impact of sustained fitness on your overall well-being!

  • Explore our studio
  • Meet with one of our trainers
  • Get a personalized plan and see results

Leave feeling unfit and unmotivated behind: It’s time to become a more vibrant, energetic and confident version of yourself.


    What is a StoryBrand one-liner? 

    A StoryBrand one-liner is a clear statement that explains what your business offers, who it helps, and the main benefit it provides. It typically follows this structure: “We help [target audience] achieve [desired result] by providing [product/service].” This one-liner is designed to quickly communicate your business’ purpose and goals, making it easy for potential customers to remember.

    How to write a StoryBrand one-liner? 

    To write a StoryBrand one-liner, follow three steps: identify the problem your target audience faces, describe how your product or service solves that problem, and explain the positive outcome they will achieve. For example, “We help companies save time by delivering IT and cyber security solutions, so they can spend less time worrying and more time growing their businesses.” This approach ensures your message is clear and compelling.

    What is the concept of StoryBrand? 

    StoryBrand is a marketing framework that helps businesses clarify their message by using the elements of storytelling. Created by Donald Miller, it centers around positioning the customer as the hero and the business as the guide that helps the hero overcome their ultimate goals. By following this concept, businesses can create clear and engaging messages that resonate with their audience.

    What is a brand script?

    A StoryBrand BrandScript differs from a traditional brand script in its structured, narrative-driven approach. Traditional brand scripts typically focus on defining the brand’s mission, values, target audience, and key messages in a straightforward manner. On the other hand, a StoryBrand BrandScript employs a more creative framework, in which the customer is the hero and the brand is the guide. It maps out the customer’s journey, highlighting their problems, the brand’s solution, and the benefits from the brand’s involvement.

    Still Have BrandScript Questions? 

    The StoryBrand BrandScript framework allows businesses to clarify their messaging and bring in excited and genuinely interested customers. By applying your creativity to BrandScript, you’ll gain a headstart in crafting compelling content for various marketing channels. Contact us for a non-sales call to learn more about this strategy, and how we’ve applied it over the years.

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    At BigOrange Marketing our team helps dozens of companies win millions of dollars in business while delivering what others just promise. We provide websites and complete outsourced digital marketing plans to help you get found, get results and get your time back.

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