What Are You Saying? How a StoryBrand BrandScript Clarifies Your Message

building a storybrand with a certified guide

How many companies have you worked at that spent countless hours coming up with a mission statement?

It’s not a bad idea to have one, says Building a StoryBrand author, Donald Miller, but adopting StoryBrand marketing and crafting a StoryBrand BrandScript for your organization could take you a lot farther.

Here’s why.

A StoryBrand BrandScript creates a compelling narrative that: 

  • Clarifies your message.
  • Helps your message resonate with customers.
  • Puts employees on the same page.

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We're uncovering all of the secrets and WHY "Building a StoryBrand" for your business makes sense.

Inquire for more information about a StoryBrand project with BigOrange Marketing today.

OR, continue reading for tons of ways and tools to get started. Plus, where to apply StoryBrand on your own.


    1. What Is a StoryBrand BrandScript?

    Let's back up a bit.

    The book Building a StoryBrand walks readers through the process of defining key elements of timeless stories as they pertain to a business or organization. These elements include:

    • The main character.
    • The problem the main character faces. 
    • An empathetic, authoritative guide. (Hint: That’s your brand.)
    • A plan to alleviate the main character’s problem or help them reach a goal.
    • A call to action that encourages the character to mobilize in some way.
    • Ways to avoid failure by following the plan and tapping into the wisdom of the guide.
    • A successful ending that transforms the main character in some way. 
    What is StoryBrand BrandScript

    The best way for your organization to identify all these elements is to: 

    1. Talk to your current customers or clients about their goals and problems (especially challenges they faced before working with you or purchasing your products).
    2. Discuss with your team how you empathize with customers and clients, and how you could show your organization’s authority.
    3. Decide on the simple steps people should take to work with you and how you would like them to engage with your organization initially. 
    4. Ask your customers and clients how their lives are different or better now that they use your products or services.

    Quick tip: You can distill all the information you gather to write a succinct BrandScript. The script should be fairly brief so employees can remember it and so it captures the attention of would-be customers and clients. 

    2. StoryBrand BrandScript Examples

    • Here’s a BrandScript example from Business Make Simple: Trying to grow a small business is overwhelming if you don’t have a plan. And that leads to sleepless nights and feeling constantly overwhelmed. We don’t want that for you. Business Made Simple has given thousands of business owners a plan for growing revenue. Our plan will work for you, too.
    • And a hypothetical example for a pediatric dentist: Most parents get stressed when they think about taking their child to the dentist. At Kid's Teeth, our fun and welcoming office puts kids at ease so they aren't afraid and their parents actually enjoy their dentist visit.

    3. Where to Use Your StoryBrand BrandScript

    Ok, let’s imagine you’ve asked your customers and colleagues all the juicy questions, written your BrandScript and refined it so that it’s easy to remember and catchy. You can check those tasks off your list, but don’t just file away your BrandScript in a drawer.

    Remember, as Donald Miller writes, “the degree that you implement your StoryBrand BrandScript is the degree to which people will understand why they need your products. The more we implement, the more customers will listen.”

    Where to Use StoryBrand BrandScript

    Consider the impact your BrandScript could make if you use it in your: 

    • Website. 
    • Scales scripts. 
    • Email campaigns. 
    • Hiring and onboarding. 
    • Elevator pitches. 
    • Employee development.
    • And more. 

    Let’s take a closer look at a few of these use cases for your BrandScript. 

    On Your Website

    Your new compelling narrative is the perfect roadmap for developing website content and messaging. The ultimate goal is to make everything on your site clear and compelling. No one wants a story that’s so convoluted you can’t follow it, or so irrelevant that readers turn away. 

    Website Guide StoryBrand BrandScript

    Your StoryBrand website must convince visitors that your organization is a helpful guide that understands them and will lead them to the answers to their current problems and help them achieve their goals. 

    Look for ways to weave your BrandScript narrative into your website content. Hint: If you lead off by talking about your company’s history, you are positioning your organization, not the site visitor or would-be customer, as the main character of the story. 

    Photos on your site are a big part of telling the story, too. Do they convey the success people will achieve after working with you or using your products? Remember, photos of smiling, happy people will go a long way (or photos of healthy, active pets if you happen to manufacture cat and dog food). 

     The navigation of your site should be clear and intuitive. Encourage visitors to take a specific action by using the same button throughout the site, labeled with wording like “Call us,” “Get a free quote” or “Let’s talk.” 

    Overall, your website should show how your organization can help people become more competent or achieve a goal. Does it show how visitors will become transformed for the better by engaging with your products or services?

    Use More Photos StoryBrand BrandScript

    Quick tip: To clarify your message, consider cutting the number of words on your home page in half. Can you replace some words with photos? 

    In a Sales Funnel or Lead Generation Campaign

    StoryBrand BrandScript Lead Generator

    To grow, your business needs more leads. Use your BrandScript to help capture the attention of possible customers. 

    Remember the goal of a sales funnel is to help you collect email addresses or other contact information from possible customers to add to your database. What are the types of sales funnels or lead generators you could use? 

    • Ebooks or guides 
    • Webinars
    • Live events 
    • Checklists 
    • Online quizzes or calculators

    Your BrandScript can help you create content for any of these resources. For instance: 

    • Knowing what problems your target audience faces can lead to writing an ebook or guide that provides information on solutions to those problems. 
    • A webinar could demonstrate new software or an online tool to help them save time if one of their problems is having too much work on their plate every day. 
    • If your BrandScript mentions how your organization helps parents of special needs children get the support they need, a live event could bring those parents together. 

     In short, your sales funnel or lead-generating tool should be based on your BrandScript and let new leads know directly and authoritatively that your organization can help them solve their problems

    In Email Outreach or Newsletters

    Once you have those email addresses, it’s time to use them! You could launch an automated email drip campaign that would contact your new leads several times over the course of a month. Use your BrandScript to help you craft those emails.

    One of the most powerful email messages tells the story of a previous client or customer’s success. Use a glowing review in the subject line of your email or explain how using your products or services led a customer to transform in some way. Did they find the home of their dreams thanks to your real estate firm or sail through tax season with no stress because of your accounting firm’s services? 

    Talking about how clients or customers met goals or solved problems in an email is right on StoryBrand. 

    StoryBrand BrandScript Email Outreach

    Quick tip: Name the problem your customer is facing right in an email’s subject line, like this: “Are you wasting money on your software licenses?” Then explain in the body of the email how you solve the problem.

    In Your Hiring and Culture Building

    Remember that mission statement we mentioned? If you use a BrandScript instead, you can leverage it to transform employee engagement by defining and leaning into a single, engaging narrative. Afterall, employees at all levels of an organization get confused when the story of who their company is unclear. Employees begin to wonder why and how the company does the things it does and to what end.

    With a StoryBrand-inspired narrative, Donald Miller explains, “ordinary jobs become extraordinary adventures.” 

    StoryBrand BrandScript Hiring and Culture

    Think About It...

    Could having a solid, engaging story about your organization help: 

    • Create buzz around your culture?
    • Make employees love their work and customers love the products and services?
    • With hiring only people who are interested in entering the narrative?   
    • Bring everyone together on the same page? 

    Quick tip: Remember, it’s not only your clients and customers who want to transform their lives and achieve goals. Your employees at all levels want that, too.

    4. Ready to Create Your StoryBrand BrandScript?

    Contact us today to learn how to bring the power of storytelling to your organization. We’re happy to help you craft your narrative for exciting results. 

    StoryBrand Resources

    Start Your StoryBrand Project Here

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    Step One

    Schedule a non-sales call. No pressure. Real advice.

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    Step Two

    Get a blueprint with digital marketing services that take you where you want to go.

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    Step Three

    Grow and connect with customers, colleagues and new leads.