How to Brainstorm an Awesome Content Marketing Strategy in 4 Easy Steps

At the heart of content marketing is the concept of sharing what you know with your audience. This means getting the excellent ideas and knowledge in your teammates’ heads into a plan… all the while getting everyone excited to contribute.
A proven method for doing that is to hold a Thought Leader Summit to bring together all your contributors to brainstorm ideas. Essential items you will want to prepare in advance of the meeting include:
Poster Sized Personas
Print out your personas in a large format. You will want to review each persona separately before brainstorming for that persona. Ask select team members to share real-life examples of those personas during the meeting. See our enclosed sample.
Buyer’s Journey Matrix for Each Persona
For each buyer persona describe his or her pain points in the awareness, consideration and decision stages of making a purchase.
Post-it Self-Stick Easel Pad Sheet Per Buyer by Stage
For each buyer create a blank easel pad sheet with the content ideas and what stage of the buyer's journey they belong in labeled at the top.

4 Easy Steps to Brainstorm a Content Marketing Strategy
Ready. Set. Brainstorm.
Invite all of your team members who are known to be thought leaders in your space. These are the people that you want to build a platform around.
At the meeting, review the first persona and then the matrix for that persona. Pause at each stage and ask the thought leaders to share their ideas out loud and to capture them on post-it notes. There are no bad ideas. Capture all the ideas and have participants place them onto the sheets.
After the meeting, sort, categorize and rank all of the ideas.
Meet with your leadership to confirm the best ideas with the largest potential audience. Place these ideas into an editorial calendar and schedule with your Thought Leader contributors each quarter.
Here’s a sample of a highly popular eBook from Kaleidoscope.
At last count this eBook was still generating 100 visits and 30 new leads per month.
View the eBook: Growing a Culture of Innovation (or Tomatoes)

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