Why a Photo Shoot Is One of the Best Marketing Ideas for IT Companies

If you’re like many of our IT service companies, scheduling a photo shoot for your staff is at the very bottom of your to-do list. It seems like a good idea, but you just haven’t gotten to it. Here are a few reasons why lining up a photographer is one of the best marketing ideas for IT companies.
Get Personal
First of all, photos of your team will make your company stand out. How many other managed service providers work in your local area? Chances are you’re not the only MSP in town. Photos of your staff members interacting in your office space (if possible) will show your firm’s authentic personality.
One example of this personalization appears on the website for Aeko Technologies, a managed service provider in Fort Worth, Texas. Owner Brian Rodgers is a private pilot and his interest in aviation carries over into the office’s decor and website. When future clients tour Aeko’s site, the airplane visuals and references in the text stand out. Do visitors to your website come away with any memorable impressions?
Make a Name
Next, consider what up-to-date headshots could do for your company. They can introduce your staff members to visitors and increase customers’ comfort level with your team. Current clients will recognize the people they work with or put a face to someone they’ve only ever talked to by phone. And new clients can “meet” your personnel before even reaching out to you.
You can also use headshots with authored blog posts. For an example, take a look at SWAT Systems’ blog posts. This Seattle IT company makes sure to highlight several different staff members as thought leaders through their blog.
Remember, headshots don’t have to be stuffy. Intrust IT, an IT service company in Cincinnati, Ohio, has found website visitors enjoy the interactive nature of the headshots on the company’s team page. And don’t forget any office pets when snapping photos. Highlighting furry brand ambassadors is just one of the marketing ideas for IT companies that we suggest.
Your Social Life
Especially now, with so much work done remotely, it’s nice to spotlight your staff on social media. Posts with current photos of your staff will spark interest on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. And speaking of LinkedIn, those new headshots will look great on your employees’ profiles there.
Ask the photographer about shooting some “B roll” videos of your staff and office space, too. These brief video clips can be used in your social media and on your website. Video grabs attention, so put it to work for you.
How to Choose a Photographer
Finally, take the time now to reach out to two or three photographers in your area for estimates. Depending on where you live, the shoot will probably cost about $100 to $250 per hour. Ask for recommendations from other business owners if you don’t have potential photographers in mind. Someone who works well with you and your staff will be a valuable asset: After all, you will want him or her to come back for updated photos if your staff changes. There are also online booking services like snappr that make it a snap to find and hire local photographers.
Marketing Ideas for IT Companies
Whether you love to ham it up or hate having your picture taken, now’s a great time to plan a photo shoot. If you need help with incorporating photos into your IT Marketing content plans, website or marketing strategy, contact us. We are always excited to share marketing ideas for IT companies.
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