How to Tell the Tale: What Is a StoryBrand BrandScript?

How to Tell the Tale -What Is A StoryBrand BrandScript

What Is a StoryBrand BrandScript?

A StoryBrand BrandScript is a script that summarizes your key message as an exciting and easily readable story. It’s based on the approach outlined in Donald Miller’s book, Building a StoryBrand. The BrandScript includes seven key elements: character, problem, guide, plan, call to action, success and failure.

What are the seven key elements of a BrandScript?

The seven key elements of a BrandScript are:

  1. Character: The customer or potential customer, who is the hero of the story.
  2. Problem: The primary challenges the customer faces.
  3. Guide: Your brand, which helps the customer find a solution.
  4. Plan: The steps your brand offers to help the customer.
  5. Call to action: The action you want the customer to take.
  6. Success: What success looks like after the customer works with your company.
  7. Failure: The consequences of inaction or choosing a competitor.

What is an example of a StoryBrand BrandScript?

An example of a StoryBrand BrandScript for an online clothing store, Awesome Outfits, could be:

Fashion-forward individuals want to keep up with the latest trends without breaking the bank. They feel frustrated when searching for stylish and affordable clothes online. That’s why Awesome Outfits offers a curated selection of high-quality, trendy clothing at affordable prices. Here’s how it works:  

  1. Visit our website. 
  2. Get your favorites delivered. 
  3. Look and feel fantastic in your new clothes. 

Update your wardrobe with the latest trends without compromising on quality or price. Discover your new favorite outfits today and embrace a more fashionable, confident you.

For the online store, these are the essential StoryBrand elements: 

  1. Character: Fashionable individuals seeking trendy clothing.
  2. Problem: Limited options for affordable clothing online.
  3. Guide: Quality collection offering the latest fashion trends at affordable prices.
  4. Plan: Explore our collections and discover your new favorite outfit.
  5. Call to action: Upgrade your wardrobe.
  6. Success: Find clothing you feel comfortable and confident in.
  7. Failure: Don’t miss out on finding new favorite items at a low price.

How can the StoryBrand framework help my business grow?

By using the proven power of storytelling, the StoryBrand framework fosters meaningful connections with audiences. It helps businesses elevate their brand, attract more clicks on their websites and gain more leads by making their messages more attention-grabbing and memorable. As Donald Miller writes in Building a StoryBrand, “when you confuse, you lose.” Therefore, it’s critical for companies to craft messaging that is simple and engaging. 

One way to engage website viewers or readers is to speak directly to their challenges and show how your company’s products or services can help alleviate those challenges. To learn more about how BigOrange Marketing has utilized the StoryBrand framework for our own brand and for our clients, schedule a non-sales call with us. Our certified StoryBrand guide will help you clarify your organization’s message so you can get leads and grow.

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At BigOrange Marketing our team helps dozens of companies win millions of dollars in business while delivering what others just promise. We provide websites and complete outsourced digital marketing plans to help you get found, get results and get your time back.

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