Grow More in ‘24: Managed Services Marketing Tactics

Grow More in ‘24 - Managed Services Marketing Tactics - BOM

Where do you start your managed services marketing journey? When so many marketing companies offer similar services, it’s essential to craft a unique identity that captures your audience’s attention

At BigOrange Marketing, we understand that to draw customers in and distinguish your MSP company, you need more than just a marketing strategy – you need the right one.

Are you new to creating and implementing marketing plans? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with our comprehensive managed services marketing guide. Before diving into the details, let’s demystify what MSP marketing truly means.

Understanding Managed Services Marketing

MSP marketing is all about elevating the visibility and sales of managed IT service providers. As an MSP, marketing is your key to connecting with your target audience, converting potential clients into customers and fostering engagement with existing ones.

While MSP marketing techniques share commonalities with strategies for other businesses, successfully promoting an MSP company requires identifying and overcoming specific obstacles in the customer’s journey. These hurdles may include concerns about pricing, a lack of trust and worries about scalability and security.

Once you pinpoint these obstacles, transform them into unique selling points. For instance, if potential clients hesitate due to doubts about your MSP company’s value, show them how your services can slash overhead and labor costs, while boosting profitability.

Decoding MSP Sales vs. MSP Marketing

Though often used interchangeably, MSP sales and marketing are distinct concepts. Effective MSP marketing is about engaging and educating your audience, fostering trust in your brand and expediting the sales cycle.

Educate your prospects about the value of your services without overwhelming them with technical details. Once they grasp this value, transitioning them into the MSP sales process becomes a smoother journey.

The Vital Role of MSP Marketing

MSP marketing is not just important; it’s crucial, especially if your target customers are unfamiliar with your services. Even if potential customers have heard of your company or are aware of IT services in general, they may not know enough to care. 

Some MSPs rely on word-of-mouth referrals to fill their customer pipeline. While these referrals are potent, they’re not enough to reach all potential clients across diverse locations. This is where technology-driven MSP marketing, blending traditional and online methods, comes into play.

Navigating MSP Marketing Lingo

As you know, every industry has its own jargon. Before you embark on promoting your MSP company, it might help to familiarize yourself with these key marketing terms:

  • MSP email marketing involves reaching out effectively to prospective clients via email on a regular basis or in email series designed to nurture leads.
  • Leads are potential clients who engage with your marketing.
  • Call to action (CTA) is the term used for verbiage or other interaction that guides your audience to take a desired step.
  • MSP inbound marketing relies on engaging content to solve audience problems and attract prospective clients to your website or other offerings.
  • MSP outbound marketing uses traditional mediums (such as paid advertising) to promote MSP services.
  • Lead generation includes strategic steps taken to make more prospects aware of your MSP company and interested in receiving further information on your services.
  • Landing pages are web pages designed specifically to convert visitors into leads or paying customers.

Crafting an Effective MSP Marketing Plan

Your marketing plan should include an overarching strategy and tactics that are well-defined and measurable. As part of this plan, you should identify your target audience, marketing message and what sets you apart. 

Answer key questions, like:

  • Who is our perfect customer, and what IT problems do they face?
  • Can our solutions resolve those problems?
  • What’s the best marketing strategy for reaching potential clients?
  • What makes our brand and solutions unique?

Your tactics are the methods for promoting your brand, tailored to your budget, target audience and desired results.

Marketing Tactics for MSPs

As you flesh out your plan, you might consider these proven tactics: 

  1. Pay per click (PPC) ads on Google or social media, which can efficiently generate leads and boost online visibility.
  2. Search engine optimization (SEO), a strategy that improves your website’s ranking on search results.
  3. Content marketing, with the goal of answering your audience’s questions and building brand reputation.
  4. Email marketing, which uses one of the oldest yet most effective strategies for lead generation.
  5. Social media marketing to leverage the power of online reviews and lead tracking.

Exploring Other Opportunities

Beyond the digital realm, consider:

Offer these downloadable resources for free to build your email list and stay connected with potential customers.

The Reality of MSP Marketing

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for managed services marketing. A successful campaign requires the right blend of tailored MSP marketing techniques. Select an agency attuned to your unique needs and goals.

Whether it’s PPC, SEO or other tactics, the key is aligning your strategy with your audience. If online channels alone can’t reach your target customers, integrate traditional methods. Regularly monitor and tweak your campaign to ensure a high return on investment.

Ready to get started? Let BigOrange Marketing be your guide. Contact us to set up a non-salesy call today.

Tailor your approach, resonate with your audience and watch as your MSP company rises above the competition. Your success is our mission

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BigOrange Team

At BigOrange Marketing our team helps dozens of companies win millions of dollars in business while delivering what others just promise. We provide websites and complete outsourced digital marketing plans to help you get found, get results and get your time back.

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